Monday, August 3, 2009


First, to those of you who regularly check the blog-my apologies-life has been just a bit more than hectic lately. In the midst of Ryan starting his new job, we are packing, moving, getting Zoie ready to start preschool (okay, she is ready but I am not yet emotionally there) and a million other things. Through it all the kids have been remarkably resilient and have even managed to have fun with it all.

Ryan (and the entire get-along gang from the neighborhood) decided to catch lightning bugs in the backyard the other night. The gang consists of Jenny Goodman, Claire and Ella Green, Trey Sword and Zo. The kids had a great time with it and didn't seem to care about the bats flying overhead the entire time. Good thing Grandma Mary wasn't here....she would have high tailed it out of there pretty quicky. She has a fierce bat-phobia. :)

We have started moving some stuff to the new house. Although it is really nice to have time to spread the move out it creates problems in trying to figure out what you can pack and what you will need in the next few weeks. Zoie is best buddies with her two daycare providers, Gail and Lori. Lori painted her rainforest room here and she was so sad to lose it. So Lori was kind enough to paint her new room for her. It isn't finished so I will post final pics later but this is a glimpse at how talented and amazing Lori is. By the way, it is all free hand. Not sure why but when God was handing out artistic talent he skipped me...I can't even manage a stick figure.
For our amazing friends and family who have been helping with the move and transition...a huge THANK YOU. We couldn't do this without you. Have a great week!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh wow, I love the new room painting!! We need to see you soon...I know you are busy with all the moving and such!