Wednesday, May 13, 2009

8 Months

Kai turned 8 months last weekend. Our chunky monkey is back on the charts now. Yeah! He is 97% in both weight and height. He has 8 teeth and feet so chubby he can't fit into shoes. Gotta love it.......


Unknown said...

By the way - that hat is adorable - he wears it well!

I had to come back and comment since I don't have your email - accidently DELETED my addresses - I'M AN OFFICIAL LOSER! Can you email me so I have it?

You know you were the first person (besides Dan) to know I was in labor. Right after we talked, and I mean RIGHT after, I think I practically hung up on you - things got really intense really quickly. Aren't you happy you're part of Cooper's birth story. ha!

I'd love to play on Friday but we're having a garage sale Fri-Sat.!! Finally I'm going to get this stuff out of my basement. My mom and sis are coming Thurs - so b/t the 3 of us it's going to be full!

Shannon said...

Yeah for garage sales! My basement if FULL of stuff. I am trying to get takes so long. My email is I apparently still have your old one. So I am a loser too! Maybe I will walk down with the kids on Friday just to say hi. See you then!