Another year has come and gone and Thanksgiving 2011 is upon us. This year we decided that our lives have been crazy enough that we could use a little family time to reconnect and celebrate our blessings. So, to the disapproval of our many families, we chose to stay home this year, snuggle in and enjoy the holiday with our babies. Even though we won't be traveling ALL across the state to gather with family, I am aware and amazed by the blessings that the Lord has granted us. So I am thankful. Thankful for this beautiful baby girl who has grown into such a beautiful young lady right before my eyes. Although I want nothing more than the best for her, I could stand to slow down time a little and enjoy those blue eyes a little longer. Zoie has brought us such joy and happiness and, together, she showed me how to be a mother. She has taught me to laugh more often, take delight in an occasional pretend cup of tea and to realize that while she is my "barbie doll" I have to let her find her own personality and style.

My thanks would never be complete without two of the most important people in my life observed. I'm thankful that my Gramsy continues to flip the bird to that ugly disease we call cancer. She is a survivor through and through. And Gramps...I'm thankful that he is the toughest old bird you've ever seen. He can be trampled by a cow, thrown from a tractor, live through a stroke or two, and come back from what we thought might be the end for him this year. They just simply don't make them like him anymore. If I was lucky enough to acquire any of his amazing qualities then I will cherish them always and pass them to those after me.

Our life has just settled in over the past few years and we have fallen in love with our "family" who became family through our life experiences. We are blessed to have amazing support from friends who have become so dear to us. Friends who have adopted our babies and loved them right along side of us. Friends such as Korissa and Jack.....who are expecting their first baby TODAY! I'm thankful that they can experience the joy of parenthood and continue to include us as a part of their lives. I really believe that it takes a village to raise a child and how lucky our babies are to have a village full of people who love them.

I'm thankful that this lil' monkey still sees fit to wake up each morning with a smile on his face and a hug for his mommy. He is a boy, through and through, and I've learned to accept the dare devil jumps from the couch, the rides down the stairs in laundry baskets and other scary "boy" behavior. In fact, I might even say I've learned to appreciate that he is fearless and so determined to live life at 100 miles an hour every-single-minute of the day. It is all a little bittersweet though--my last "first" everything is with him. So I spend my days wishing time would turn back a little so I can enjoy his baby/toddler years just a little slower. I'm sure he won't always come running when I walk in the door to daycare, but until it ends I will enjoy every second of it. (even if it means he gets doggy poo on me!)

Last, but certainly not least, I'm grateful for the man I share all of this with. Nine years strong and so many wonderful things to show for it. I'm thankful that he is the essence of calm in our home, that he isn't afraid to play babies with Zoie or wrestle with Kai, and that he never lets a day go by without telling me he loves me. Trust me, that is a feat in our house. With our schedules there are times we only see each other a matter of minutes in a day!
From my family to yours, have a Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
I am thankful for YOU! The husband who shares you with us for girls weekends and the babies who will always be friends to mine just as you have been to me!
Such a sweet it. Happy Thanksgiving!
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