Hi friends of my Mommy and Daddy! My name is Kai Anthony Woods and I just turned 3 a few weeks ago! I had so much fun celebrating with all my friends and family so I thought I would share a few pics of my big day. One awesome gift I opened with a weight bench--Just like my Daddy's bench!

Just a few times using the weight bench and look at my massive muscles!

Muscles are a must for my super-hero days. I'm loving Thor right now-mainly because he rocks a huge hammer that makes noise when I hit it. Oh, and because I love anything I can hit, throw, kick (you get the picture)!

I sort of like hammin it up for the camera, especially in my purple/leopard shirt. Chicks dig it. My Daddy, however, does not. :)

Me and Monty the Mustang rockin it together.....cause that's just how we roll.

I went to watch my sister cheer for the football team. I wore my pink shirt cause I think real men can wear pink and still be super cool.

My Mommy started my birthday with french toast on my special birthday boy plate. Yummy!!

I love, love, love the DS I got for my birthday. I'm actually pretty good at it too!

On my actual birthday my parents took me camping at Grandpa Dick and Grandma Linda's farm house. AND....I got to go fishing!

Those are the highlights of my third birthday. I'm pretty lucky because I have so many people who love me. Even the ladies at Walmart that I randomly call Grandma love me! See you soon! Love, Kai
Crazy that you are 3 already, Kai! I agree that real boys wear pink, and I love all the fun things that occurred for the bday--including the massive muscles! You seem like a fun little man! We need to play soon!
Shannon, your kids are sooooo cute!! And I *love* the pink shirt, too! ;-)
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