Wow--where did the school year go?? Tomorrow is Zo's last day of school and then a summer full of junior golf, gymnastics, swim lessons and fun! We are all excited for the nice weather! Here are a few updates from the past few weeks.....

Mr. Kai-man rockin his new shades...

Zoie--less two front teeth! She lost them both in a matter of two days. The tooth fairy was busy here!

We always run Race for the Cure Mother's Day weekend. After serving as co-chair for a few years I appreciate being able to actually run in it again. It was super weather and everyone had fun.

Tradition is that Dick, Linda and usually Brennen join us. This year Brennen had to work (man he is growing up fast!) so we welcomed Grandma and Grandpa. A huge thanks to them for pushing the kids so Ryan and I could run like the wind! Just kidding...we ran but not sure if it was like the wind or not. Ryan did place 4th in his age group and I got 2nd.

Ready for some sun, pool time and friends!

Zo ready for school. She didn't really want to go because Nana Janet and Tom drove in from Pennsylvania for the weekend but since Ryan is the principal we figured it didn't look very good to let her skip. :) Yeah, okay--I thought it was ok and he nixed it. He is smarter than I am sometimes.

My mom made these insanely awesome cake pops (like candy coated cake on a stick) while she was here. They were unreal! Then we had a wonderful visit from the Lindberg family with a May Day flowers and got to share them with all the kids. They were a hit! So were the May Day flowers! Thanks Jodi and the rest of the Lindberg fam!
the kids are just adorable! congrats on the race!
I'm ready for the sunny weather too! Hope we can nail down a date to get together! Run like the wind in Dam to Dam!
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