Last Sunday I drove Zoie and Kai to Chariton for a birthday bbq at my Grandma's house after church. This is the conversation on the way there....
Zoie: Momma, if I tell you something new I learned today will you promise you won't laugh at me?
Momma: Zoie, I would never laugh at you for learning something new. I love to hear about the things you learn.
Zoie: Okay, but please don't laugh. I learned there is this guy named God that follows me everywhere. I mean he REALLY follows me everywhere. He follows me to the zoo, to the baseball field, to Hy-Vee and even to the ocean. But, if he follows me to the ocean he really doesn't follow me because he goes underwater. But he isn't a real person and you can't see him. But Momma, Mrs. Stevens said that his name was just God. Since everyone knows that we all have three names, what is his middle and last name?
Momma: Silence (since I really couldn't think of a good answer to that).
The End of an Era!
8 hours ago
1 comment:
So cute....Jesus and the Holy Spirit could be His middle and last names! :) Zoie learns quick!
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