So Ryan and I finally got to watch last Thursday's Grey's Anatomy Sunday night. If you haven't had a chance to watch it...DON'T! It was so incredibly sad and depressing. The world's cutest little girl dies in her daddy's arms dreaming about going to Mexico to see the beach. When Ryan came home from work yesterday we started talking about it again because we both thought it was so terrible. It made me think about all the things we have in our lives that we are grateful for.......
For two healthy (okay, so they both have constant runny noses, Kai is working on tooth #6 for just THIS month, and on any given day one of them has a fever or bathroom issues--but mostly healthy!) babies that we enjoy so much.
For friends who find love (Congrats Korissa and Jack on your one year anniversary!) and for friends who love your children so much they want them to share in their day! This is Zo as a flower girl in their wedding last April. It was honestly the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to. Look at the background.....

For babies who smile constantly! And for all the new babies---Gina and Anthony had baby girl Camryn; Chay and Lisa had baby boy Evan. For the babies on the way--my baby sis and her husband Nick have a baby girl on the way. Okay, she isn't a baby anymore but she will always be my baby sister. :) Also, Tara (McClure) and Chad are expecting a baby boy this summer and Julie and Zach are expecting in November.
For airplanes! Without them we wouldn't be able to travel to Pennsylvania this summer for my sister's baby shower. My grandma is helping me take both babies with me so they can play with their cousins for a few days. We are so excited!
For becoming wiser as you grow older. Thursday I am having my tattoo cut off. Yes, it sounds just as terrible as I am afraid it is going to be. But, I think that this is karma kicking my you-know-what for ever having it done. You should have to be 50 before they even let you in the door to those places. I will suck it up and have it cut out because it isn't me, I'm embarrassed by it and Zo wants to know why I have a butterfly on my upper rear. :) (And because the "real" way to get them off is by lazer and only costs 7 THOUSAND dollars!)
Last, for our families. We were just talking about how lucky we are that our families are healthy and happy. Our niece, Rachel, has a very serious peanut allergy that no 2 year old should have to worry about but her parents are doing awesome adjusting and learning how to keep her safe. And my Grandma Barb's cancer was completely taken out last year. Thanks to the radiation she had, it has not returned so far. So we are blessed!

For airplanes! Without them we wouldn't be able to travel to Pennsylvania this summer for my sister's baby shower. My grandma is helping me take both babies with me so they can play with their cousins for a few days. We are so excited!
For becoming wiser as you grow older. Thursday I am having my tattoo cut off. Yes, it sounds just as terrible as I am afraid it is going to be. But, I think that this is karma kicking my you-know-what for ever having it done. You should have to be 50 before they even let you in the door to those places. I will suck it up and have it cut out because it isn't me, I'm embarrassed by it and Zo wants to know why I have a butterfly on my upper rear. :) (And because the "real" way to get them off is by lazer and only costs 7 THOUSAND dollars!)
Last, for our families. We were just talking about how lucky we are that our families are healthy and happy. Our niece, Rachel, has a very serious peanut allergy that no 2 year old should have to worry about but her parents are doing awesome adjusting and learning how to keep her safe. And my Grandma Barb's cancer was completely taken out last year. Thanks to the radiation she had, it has not returned so far. So we are blessed!
Yes you are!! What a great post. I was thinking of you guys as I drove past the baseball diamond and saw the lights - now you're a baseball widow again.
The new pics of the kids are awesome. Love the bare bottom one.
That was a fun post to's so true all the blessings we have!! :) I like your's kinda like Zach making me get rid of my belly button ring at 25. :) Good luck with that!!!
Love, Julie
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