Kai turned 2 on September 10th and loved every minute of it. I wasn't sure he would get the whole "opening presents" thing but he had a ball. He is such a total boy--he loves the golf clubs, train table, fireman boots and Thomas trains he got as gifts. A big thank you to everyone who helped him celebrate.

On our way OUT of the football game Lori stopped us and bribed Kai to stay longer with M&M's. Not surprisingly, it worked!

The Henderson clan came over on Sunday for a "birthday breakfast" with Kai. They brought a waffle maker, waffle mix, whipped cream and strawberries AND his very own cake to decorate! He loved it!

For those of you who haven't seen Ryan's lil bro since our wedding, well, he looks quite a bit different! Thankfully, he is still wonderful with the kiddos and had fun showing Kai how to golf...inside! Worth the damage though to see him having so much fun.