Sunday, December 12, 2010

I wanna party like a cheerleader!!

Although her actual birthday isn't until the 21st, Zoie had her 6th birthday party on Saturday. We have found that the closer to Christmas you get, the more conflicts people seem to have. The "theme" was cheerleading and the DC Mustang cheerleaders and Monty the Mustang joined the party to teach the girls a few cheers, some tumbling and, of course, how to build a pyramid! I think the pictures speak for themselves.......

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I know, I know...the blog posting has slowed to a virtual halt these days. My sincere apologies but life has simply taken over around here. Sadly, I have even failed to take regular pictures--something I already regret. BUT, Grandpa Rex and Grandma Mary took a few in front of their tree last weekend and I thought I would share.

Our Thanksgiving was the usual drive all over Iowa affair and Christmas is set to to be much of the same, plus one LONG airplane ride for everyone to Pennsylvania to see my family. We wouldn't have it any other way though so bring on the festivities!

Zoie is still loving school and is reading a ton of words. I continue to be so impressed with her teacher and the entire Davis County School system. Seriously, they rock. She is still in love with horses ( no idea where that came from) and my uncle Karl saddled her up on Thanksgiving on Scooter, a GIANT horse. Okay, maybe not giant but when my little girl got up there it sure looked giant! With the entire family outside, all carrying cameras, we failed to get even one shot of the event. Typical for around here but she loved it. Her 6th birthday is the 21st but her party is set for this Saturday to try to avoid the Christmas stuff everyone has going on. I promise to get pictures and post. No promises on how quickly that happens though.....

Kai is still entirely BOY. If he can hit, kick, throw or bang it together, he is totally game. He runs on high speed all day until bedtime, when he crashes in his big boy bed. He does pretty good other than he thinks the day starts somewhere between 5:15 and 5:45 most days. We are still working on a plan to get that resolved. At the moment, the plan is to wait a few years until he decides being up that early really isn't all that great. Other ideas are welcome...I'm having hard time convincing Ryan that we need another one around here with a 2-year old up and at 'em at the crack of dawn.

Since we can't manage updating the blog on a regular basis, we of course didn't get Christmas cards out either. So, to our blog watchers, family and friends we wish you a very Merry Christmas! Zoie and I have been spending a lot of time talking about the birth of Jesus and why we celebrate so remember to celebrate your faith this season. We are continually grateful for the blessings the Lord has given us and I thank him daily for my healthy babies and wonderful husband. Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Family....

For no particular reason at all I am feeling pretty grateful these days for this family. They keep me grounded and help keep my focus on what is important in perspective. I'm lucky to have a amazing hubby who always loves me and is always a very attentive father. My kids are happy, love each other, love to sing (which always makes me smile) and seem to just enjoy life. Which, in what usually feels like a very hectic and chaotic week, seems to be quite an accomplishment for me. I'm grateful for each and every one!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

What a difference 2 years makes...

Different house, different town, different job....the same babies just a heck of a lot bigger!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

As always, Leslie Cook did amazing on our pictures.....

To see more click on her blog on the right or check out my facebook page. She has a facebook page too....LC Photography. Love em!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kindergarten begins!!

Zoie is now in kindergarten! She was so excited to go...the summer couldn't pass quick enough for her. I was a little sad to see her go but only for selfish reasons. It just felt like the beginning of watching her go off to college someday. Silly I know but I love having her around and I hate to think someday this house will be quiet.

Zoie did Rah Rah Rookies last week with the Davis County cheerleaders. They performed at the game Friday night. They rocked a cute cheer and short dance. Super cute!

Zo's first homework assignment was to create a family banner using everyone's hand prints. It wouldn't be "Zoie" without the glitter and stickers. :)

Becky made Zoie a cake to decorate too....she had SO much fun! I'm thinking it might be a cute birthday party idea! 6 is right around the corner. Since she can't have the top two

I'm 2!!!!!

Kai turned 2 on September 10th and loved every minute of it. I wasn't sure he would get the whole "opening presents" thing but he had a ball. He is such a total boy--he loves the golf clubs, train table, fireman boots and Thomas trains he got as gifts. A big thank you to everyone who helped him celebrate.

On our way OUT of the football game Lori stopped us and bribed Kai to stay longer with M&M's. Not surprisingly, it worked!
The Henderson clan came over on Sunday for a "birthday breakfast" with Kai. They brought a waffle maker, waffle mix, whipped cream and strawberries AND his very own cake to decorate! He loved it!

For those of you who haven't seen Ryan's lil bro since our wedding, well, he looks quite a bit different! Thankfully, he is still wonderful with the kiddos and had fun showing Kai how to golf...inside! Worth the damage though to see him having so much fun.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Zoie's Summer

Zo's summer started with a "tea party" at school with all of her new friends and hasn't stopped since. She has played through multiple play dates, slumber parties, learning to ride a bike without training wheels, showing a lamb at the fair and learning to swim! Oddly enough, Ryan and I are busier than ever but our kiddos have really enjoyed having great friends who include them in fun events. The kids had a nanny come to the house a few days a week all summer who has grown to be part of our family. Maddy leaves for Iowa State next Tuesday and although we are so proud of her and wish her well, we will all miss her dearly. The crazy expensive cowboy boots for the lamb showing were Maddy's idea.....I think she speaks Zoie language sometimes!

p.s......she also lost 2 teeth in 2 days. She even pulled them herself. The tooth fairy brought her a dollar bill for each tooth and then my sisters called to harass me....apparently the tooth fairy brings substantially more money these days???


No, I didn't forget how to has just been insane lately. I have some making up to do so here are a few summer pics for Kai-man who is now 22 months old. He chatters ALL the time, follows his sis around and generally lives life with a smile. He loves running around in his cowboy boots, which obviously don't fit, but are a hand-me-down from Ryan's lil bro Brennen (and who, by the way, just turned 15 in May).

Saying "cheese" in momma's running hat.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Grandma Mary and Grandpa Rex just returned from a beautiful vacation in Hawaii! Of course they came home filled with gifts for the anxious grandkids. Sadly, while they waited patiently by the front door for a glimpse of the Easter Bunny he tricked them by sneaking into the basement to leave eggs. Darn Bunny.

Although traveling for Kai is still less than a great time, we all enjoyed a nice weekend in Creston with all of Ryan's adult siblings and their kiddies. My highlight...Grandma Mary watched the kids Saturday morning and I got to sleep until 9. I will take that any day over a visit from the bunny, but perhaps that is just a sleep deprived mommy speaking.
An interesting side note...Ryan picked out Kai's name after watching a UCLA football game and a highlight on one of two players they have with the same name. It is Hawaiian and means "the ocean." Rex and Mary found it everywhere in Hawaii, even bringing back pictures of signs with it and a book with a turtle named Kai. Kind of fun for isn't like you can run to Walmart and buy a personalized pencil with name like Kai!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Happy 7th Anniversary to my hubby!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Almost Spring!!

Thank goodness for the burst of warm weather this week. We were just about to lose our minds inside! We had a busy week with family night at Zoie's school, long walks in the evening, several family birthdays (Happy Birthday Gramsy and Ty!) and, of course, eating corndogs to remind us of the warm State Fair!

(Kai-man at 18 months playing at Zo's school playground)

(My babies...who both love to say "cheese" repeatedly anytime a camera is near)

Need I say more??

We sent Nana Janet and Tom "Iowa food" for their birthdays. You can't get any more Iowa than corn dogs and fried tenderloins. On another note, Ryan and I are off to spend the day together in Des Moines Saturday to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary. I'm sure we will have a great time...Happy Anniversary to us!