Saturday, December 26, 2009

Superhero Anyone??

Does anyone need a Superhero with a constant runny nose and fantastic cape??
How about a Superhero AND his trusty sidekick? Both come equipped with ATV's to fight crime. (Thanks to Craigslist!)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours......May you eat,


and be merry!


Poor Zo...Sunday was her birthday party at Incredible Pizza in Des Moines, complete with bumper cars, putt-putt and go-karts. We picked up her "best friend" Katie and headed to Des Moines. By the time we hit Eddyville we turned around and headed back home. The roads were terrible. But, she took it like a champ and we tried to have fun anyway. They sat in the back seat and put make-up on (notice the pretty forehead decorations on Zo), we hit Happy Joe's for lunch and then Target for a new toy to play with. Katie came home with us and spent the night. We made brownies, ate an insane amount of batter and stayed up late watching movies. I think she had a great time regardless. Then the next day, her actual birthday she got several visitors who all came bearing gifts for the birthday girl. Gayla came over to wish Zo well and to show off her hair that is growing in like crazy! I am pushing her towards the Victoria Beckham pixie cut but I'm not sure how thrilled she is with that. :)
Somewhere in the midst of all the celebration the realization hit me that my baby girl is FIVE. Where did the time go? I am already fretting because one-fourth of her time with us at home is gone! I know, I know...I need to stop fretting and enjoy life more but I think it is just a mommy thing.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Zoie's Preschool Concert

Can someone explain to me how in the world my baby girl is now old enough to be in school and singing in a Christmas concert?? She is growing up way too fast for me these days....
This is Zo and her dear friend Cheslea from school. They could pass as sisters if you didn't know better!
She was so proud of herself and so excited for today. She did such a good job and actually sang. There were numerous kiddos that either cried or just stood there in complete fear.

She wore her outfit from Grandma Mary (because it has a doggie on the shirt and she is ALL about doggies these days) and her "fur" coat from Grandma Janet. She was missing her Grandmas today but she was thinking of them when she got dressed.

This is the video but worth watching because the two little girls in the front row (wearing white) can't stop waving at their moms and occasionally they yell out "Hi Mom!" So funny....

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Visit with Santa

One of the benefits of living in a small town is they do lots of fun community events. Every year Bloomfield brings in Santa's house and deposits it on the courthouse lawn. Along with tons of Christmas decorations and lights, they plan several events around the holidays. Saturday Santa came to visit his house for a few hours. I took the kids up to see him. Well, I took Kai and Zoie, who insisted I refer to her as a reindeer because of her antlers. Although none of the pictures turned out very well, they both got a kick out of him. They loved the candy canes he gave out even more. Zoie told him she wanted a sled for Christmas and Kai just pulled on his beard a bit.

We have a busy week ahead. Zoie's Christmas party at school is tomorrow, her chorus concert is Tuesday and Wednesday they will celebrate her 5th birthday at school since her actual birthday falls over break. Ryan is still really sore from him lithotripsy he had Friday but is recovering and has several bball games and events to attend this week. We will be ready for a slower Christmas week I'm sure. Be safe!