Despite my protests, this year has just flown by. Our babies are both a little older, a whole lot bigger and full of sass! We are especially grateful this time of year for the many blessings Jesus has given us.
Zoie: On December 21st our baby girl will turn 8. She is in second grade and loves every second of school. She loves to learn (she is smart of course!) read, write, and draw. She really enjoys girl scouts, gymnastics and refusing to eat anything healthy. Seriously, she eats like a bird! She has grown to be an amazing big sister to Kai. No doubt they have their moments, but generally she is nurturing and protective of him. We are very thankful for that in this tough world.
Kai: Our little man turned 4 in September and grew about a foot! He adores his preschool teacher (Miss Molly), who was also Zoie's kindergarten and first grade teacher. She has been an huge blessing to our family. He loves all things boy: transformers, super heros, tractors, and trucks. You can find him most days playing some sort of imaginary super hero fight. He has a very tender heart and starts most of his days snuggling with me while daddy gets ready for work. One of the best parts of my day, especially since I know it is short lived.
Ryan and I: We are both still plugging away at work, which we love. Ryan is the middle school principal, along with wearing a few other hats as well. My office practice is wonderful and the biggest blessing of the past few years for me has been to find a great balance of work life and home life. We both still love to run and together we completed three half-marathons this year. Our next is in April so we have our fingers crossed for warm weather.
Last, and perhaps most important, we have been blessed with good health, happy memories and loving family and friends this past year. Our blessings wouldn't be complete without acknowledging my Gramps, who went to be with Jesus in July. Christmas will be a different without him this year, but we know he is loving his healthy, pain-free body in heaven. No doubt he is building something or fixing something--utilizing the skills God gifted to him. We wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
1 week ago